Welcome to Sex Stories - Gay, your best stop for free sex stories. We have scoured the net far and wide to find some really great stories, including some really hot first time stories that will really knock you out! We only use copyrighted sex stories or stories that have been submitted to us for our use by the author. If you have written a story (or want to) then send it to us by mail so that we can add it to our site for everyone to enjoy! Please send the files in .TXT format, we cannot accept word files (too many chances of catching a virus... you know how it is...) Send your stories to: [email protected] and we will review it as soon as possible. We are also always looking for great free sites to add to our link list. If you run a gay oriented site that you want to add to our link list, then CLICK HERE! TO READ OUR STORIES, CLICK HERE! FOR OUR HOT LINKS, CLICK HERE!